What are Minority Groups?
Minority groups are people who are treated unfairly just because they are different. Some examples of these groups are the LGBTQ community, women, different races, the disabled, and many other groups. They are considered different and people don't know how to adapt or change to the difference. They feel like it is easier to just ignore them and say that what they are doing is wrong. Minority groups aren't the Majority so they are always overpowered. People in Minority groups have rights but are always denied them. They live their whole lives thinking that they are different when everyone is human, we are all the same.
What are Majority Groups?
Majority groups are the majority of the people. They overpower everyone else. There is a larger quantity of them, which means that they can take control. Majority groups are the reason slavery was created. Majorities have more people on their side so they are called Majorities. They are the ones that turn down Minority groups.
The Minority will soon be Majority
The Majority is decreasing and Minorities are starting to increase in the USA. In the 1980s minorities were 20% of the population. Now there are around 50% of people who are part of a minority group. In 2027, there is an estimate of 70% minority and 30% Majority. The Majority is slowly turning into Minorities. Some places right now have more minorities than the majority. A few majorities are okay with the change but others aren't. There are around 49% majorities that want this place to be more diverse. Then there is around 25% that don't want it to change. While there are Majorities that turn down Minorities there are others that do accept them. They may be different but when they need to work together, they do.