I opened my eyes and had no idea where I was. All I knew is that I just teleported and it was the coolest thing that ever happened to me. I mean sure it hurt, but I just teleported so I can’t complain! I had just inherited my father's belongings only to find that one of the items my father owned was a teleporter. At least I think it is a teleporter. I mean it looks like the one in the movies so I hoped it was teleported. When I checked to see if it was actually real I was sent here.
I am on a beach filled with people wearing hula skirts and tank tops. On the other hand, I was wearing a winter coat because I had just teleported from Colorado where I was out in the cold and snow. Everyone kept giving me weird looks which makes sense because it was a million degrees out here. I abruptly took my coat off only to find that I was wearing a sweater underneath. I looked around it to see if I could spot anything that could tell me which island I was on and how in the world I got there? Which I am definitely not whining about, I could definitely use a vacation since I hadn’t had one for around 10 years. I try to ask someone for help but they won’t help the weird girl that popped out from nowhere with a sweater on, in 90-degree weather.
I soon spotted the Diamond Head crater which I had read about in geography class. At least now I know that I’m in Hawaii, more specifically Waikiki Beach. I silently thanked my geography teacher for putting me through all of the lectures and promise her that I won’t complain again. I still don’t know how in the world I can get back to my lovely home in Colorado. I would love to spend more time here but I only had like twenty dollars in my pocket that can’t get you far. As I got lost in my thoughts I saw a man run across the beach. “Wait, was that my dad?” I started following that man to see if he was really my father. I mean it made no sense, my father was dead. After the day I was having, I didn’t know what to believe. As I was following my “dad” I saw a newspaper stand with newspapers dated back to 1982. I grabbed a newspaper not believing what was happening. Did I just time travel?