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The Bank Teller


I walked to the Summerbay Bank with a sad expression on my face. I have been an

intern at the bank for a whole year now. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t want to be a teller

when I grow up. The only reason I wanted to be an intern is that I thought that there would

be a lot of robberies at the bank. You see I have always wanted to be a cop chasing crime and I

thought what better place to do it than the bank. I was wrong. I walked into the familiar area with

four teller desks at the front and sat in my seat on the left corner. The room was unusually cold

on this summer evening, since we didn’t have an air conditioner it was always burning. I looked

at all of the other desks but no one was there. They must have taken a day off. My face started

to drop thinking of all the extra work I would have to do. I started my work in a tiresome way.

Little did I know that today would be the day I have been waiting for my whole life.

I worked for a while and then took a break. I went to the coffee shop right next door to

grab a drink. Surprisingly the store was closed. I decided to just drink some of the coffee the

bank has. I grabbed a cup of coffee and went back to my desk. I took a deep breath of that

warm coffee and started sipping on it. I could feel the warmness touch my tongue and go down

my throat satisfying my body. I decided to get back to work so that I could finish early. I helped

the next few customers until some needed to take out cash. I felt in my pocket to take out the

card but it wasn’t there. I started to hesitate. Then I took some deep breaths and remembered

that I put it next to the coffee machine. I went there to check if it was still there but it was gone. I

knew I was a goner. I had to get that key or I would lose my job. I told the customer that we

weren’t doing any withdrawals today and to come back tomorrow. It took a lot of convincing but

they finally left. I started searching for the key with two things I hoped would happen. One I

would find the key and two the lady wouldn’t tell my boss. Either one not happening can lead to

certain doom from everyone around me.

I have good news and bad news. First the good news, I have found the key. Then, the

bad news, two guys that look like giants have it and are trying to rob the bank with it. You know

how I said that I hope someone comes to rob the bank. Well, I take that back. These guys looked

like giants and I knew I couldn’t take them down even if I knew karate. They probably know

Aikido, Judo, Hapkido, Kung fu, Capoeira, and Krav maga all mixed together. There was no way

I could take them down with my fists. I started to worry. What if all of the money actually gets

robbed? I had to get that key away but how. I knew I had until nightfall to think of a good plan. I

kept thinking about how to get the key from them but nothing came to my head. After hours of thinking I started to lose hope. I didn’t have a phone on me to call the police and sadly I didn’t know how to drive. I would have to take the bus and that didn’t come until night. I was all on my own. Then it came to me.

I slowly crept downstairs to get to the power room. My plan was to cause a power outage and somehow take the key away from them while the power is off. There was one flaw to my plan though, I had to get past the two robbers who were struggling to rob the bank. This must have been their first bank robbery because they were using the wrong key card for the past 3 minutes. Unfortunately for me, they figured that out and we're getting closer to the money by the second. I slowly crept past them praying that they wouldn't hear me and apologizing for every little thing I ever did wrong. Even after I passed them my heart was beating out of my chest! I ran to the power room only to realize that I needed a thumbprint authorization. The sadness crept over me as I felt my life crashing down before me. My dreams were about to end. Tears started to form in my eyes but I held them back because I knew I couldn't give up now. I gathered up all of the courage started to devise a plan. I remember watching a spy show where they used some tape and a marker to hack the thumbprint authorization. I knew I was crazy to have this idea but I was desperate. I didn't have a marker but I did have some lipstick and tape in my bag so I hesitatingly rubbed the lipstick on the pad and stuck the tape on it. I could feel my heavy breathing and hear my heart pattering as I pressed on the tape. This was it, the moment of truth! I slowly looked up at the scanner afraid to see what color it had turned.

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